"Seeing, in the finest and broadest sense, means using your senses, your intellect, and your emotions".
Quote from Freeman Patterson's book, Photography & the art of seeing.
The purpose of this course, Lessons in Photography, is simply to help guide the photographer, at any level, to an understanding of what makes a good picture.
I hope the information provided, accumulated from many different sources, helps you. I take no credit for the suggestions presented. They are simply a combination of guidelines I have learned from those I consider artists first, photographers second. I hope you come away with at least one path to better express your vision.
Harv Churchill

Photographic Rules
I hesitate to say that making a photograph requires following certain rules, perhaps a better term to use as guidelines. After all, rules are meant to be broken, right?
Having said that, there are three guidelines that consistent in every good photograph:
1. What is your subject? (Theme)
2. How do I simplify?
3. How do I draw attention?
Once you master these three rules, you are well on your way to expressing your vision through photography. Any other suggestions I post in Education will amplify these three most important rules.